20 KPIs For Nonprofits To Track – Key Performance Indicators
Original Article by Ilma Ibrisevic and Donorbox (cited below)
Summary by Simply the Basics
What are KPIs and why do they matter? Key Performance Indicators help nonprofits to evaluate if they are successfully reaching their goals. You can have a range of KPIs that evaluate overall organizational and Mission success, as well as mid range or lower KPIs that target a specific program, activity, or role.
Find out what Donorbox has to say about the top 20 KPIs you may want to be tracking to jump start your evaluation process and reach success!
Citation: Ibrisevic, Ilma. “20 Kpis for Nonprofits to Track - Key Performance Indicators: Donorbox.” Nonprofit Blog, 20 Oct. 2021, https://donorbox.org/nonprofit-blog/kpis-for-your-nonprofit.