A Heartfelt Thank You to Priya

In the journey of any organization, there are certain individuals who stand out as pillars of support, guiding forces that help navigate through challenges and propel growth. Today, we have the immense pleasure of expressing our deepest gratitude to one such exceptional board member, Priya Gupta, who has been with Simply the Basics since our founding, first meeting us at our Launch Party in 2016.

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Meghan FreebeckComment
A Helping Hand From Some Special Volunteers

I love the mission of Simply the Basics. While the housing situation is too overwhelming for me to face, SB provides the perfect opportunity to feel I’m making a difference in someone’s life. And the volunteer experience is awesome. Welcoming and warm (and simple!) we join Brittany in assembling essential hygiene and menstrual kits to give to people in need. It makes me feel so good. Thank you Brittany and SB for helping me help others.

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Brittany HorwichComment
Multi-Year Partnership with method Launches!

We are very proud to announce our partnership with method, launched officially today but with many months of progress already! In the last year, method has supported Simply the Basics by hosting company wide volunteer days, presentations by Simply the Basics staff on hygiene health and equity, and most significantly – helping us to support the launch of the Simply the Basics Hygiene Bank Association™!

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Meghan FreebeckComment
Tayhlor Williams on why she joined Simply the Basics Ambassador Program

Meet Tayhlor, who works in the healthcare field and first heard of SB at the National Reproductive Health Conference, now volunteering as an approved Ambassador to not only help spread awareness on the importance of hygiene access, but also to build a community around breaking the many stigmas about being homeless, and inspire people to take action in ways that feel right to them. 

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Brittany HorwichComment
Hygiene Implications on Health

Establishing proper hygiene is key to a sense of self and better health. Many individuals suffer from preventable health conditions which could be avoided with regular access to proper hygiene and other basic needs. This issue is not just confined to the streets. Individuals experiencing poverty often forego basic needs so as to make ends meet. Learn about some of the implications on health when hygiene needs are not met.

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“Do you had a Pad?” - Let’s talk menstrual health & accessibility!

If you haven’t already guessed, I am talking about menstruation and the products that are necessary for each menstrual cycle. For over 16.9 million who menstruate and are living with limited income in the United States, almost half of them sometimes have to choose between purchasing food or menstrual products. A decision that will not be made lightly, but typically food will be the priority, leaving our menstrual health up to chance.

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Simply the Basics Provides Hygiene & Basic Necessities to Ukraine

Millions of people in Ukraine are in urgent need of humanitarian aid. A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in Ukraine as attacks of war put millions of lives at risk. Families fleeing violence are in urgent need of water, food, hygiene kits, and clothing. Fortunately, Simply the Basics is able to respond to one of these very important needs by providing support in the form of hygiene care to our partners on the ground!

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Meghan FreebeckComment